Preferred way of commnnunication

It's all started few days ago when I overheard a conversation of two guys where one was complaining about how expensive to send and receive SMS messages on his ages old unlimited plan from one of the leading cellular providers and how would it make his life easier if people would use chat app to reach out to him.
At that point I thought to my self, he is right, it's all different, we are all different! Why can't I set a preference for each contact in my miles long contact list and when I hit chat it will bring chat app preferred by that person, whether it's SMS or WhatsApp or any other app, and when I hit call once again it will call that person on his/her preferred phone app, whether it's VOIP apps like Viber or just a regular phone app. Those two simple actions could simplify user experience as different users could have a different preferences for communication. Something like this:

All of that led to a creation of PreferredWay open source application for phones with Android OS which aiming to address just that. It's not trying to be your contact manager, it just displays you your contacts and let you call or chat with them right from the main screen using particular person's preferred way to communicate.
Sometimes one image worth a thousand words, so here is the small demo on how it could look.
Also since project is totally open source you can find it on GitHub and over the course of next few days I will start building app itself and you'll be able to see more than just a demo images, but first I need to get some BBQ with #BABBQ16.


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