Little bit of the fun with Jenkins

Finally I decided to write about configuring Jenkins server, which is absolutely must have tool for any software project. This is how project itself describe what Jenkins is on their own web site : In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides 1009 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project. That's not going to be a full tutorial on how to do a perfect configuration of Jenkins, I am targeting simplicity and as a result goal of this tutorial is providing quick and dirty way to set everything up and have it running ASAP. It's sort of Jenkins servers in a nutshell for busy entrepreneurs. Also I am going to limit this tutorial only to my system which is Ubuntu and I am planning to use Jenkins for project written in PHP, so all tools going to be for PHP as well. Let's start with Jenkins installation. First step is to add Jenkins repository for Ubuntu and install package. First adding key ...